The Full Story
ZENMA wellness™ aims to provide a cohesive equine wellness education based on real world wellness therapies from a variety of like minded, practicing professionals. We are horse owners and lovers, and are driven to make the equestrian world a better place for both horses and the people that love them. We have felt the frustrations of not having the answers to provide the correct care when our horses suddenly went lame. We know what it is like to not know if the advice we are getting from "professionals" is correct, and the impact it has when it is not.
ZENMA wellness™ courses in bodywork, hoof care, saddle fitting, nutrition, rider fitness, dynamic training exercises, and wholistic veterinary concepts are each presented as part of a whole.
The course material is derived from accredited education, tens of thousands of real world applications, and studies of the modalities and concepts presented. It is our goal that our community can be strengthened through education, and a greater sense of wellbeing can be experienced by all.

Our highly skilled instructors employ their extensive professional expertise to teach winning strategies that put students on the fast track to equine health proficiency. You will not only learn theory, but also how to implement a variety of integrated health and bodywork modalities to start making changes in your horse's MIND, BODY, and SPIRIT.
It is time to take back your power and take charge of your horse's wellbeing.

: a Japanese sect of Mahayana Buddhism that aims at enlightenment by direct intuition through meditation
: a state of calm attentiveness in which one's actions are guided by intuition rather than by conscious effort
Our work with horses is a practice in Zen meditation. Nothing good with a horse can be forced, and intuition through "feel" is the world they create with us. Through their innate grace, we can come to know ourselves on a new level. Isn't that why we are attracted to them in the first place? Anyone that has spent time alone with these amazing creatures knows their power. To ride a horse that is balanced in mind, body, & spirit is one of the great treasures of this world. That feeling of oneness and synchronicity is that of zen meditation.
Yet, through our own goals and miseducation, we have upset their natural balance. We have slowly taken away their natural state of Zen. Luckily for us, horses are always waiting for us to return to our source, and happily return to theirs when the correct environment is provided.
The name Zenma is derived from the concept of "Zen" and the Chinese word for horse, mâ.
Zen horse.
The name was inspired in honor of Christy's late mother in law that we lost to the Covid pandamic, Zee Wing. Momma Zee's last name meant "galloping horse", and she loved horses deeply. Momma Zee was a vibrant, healthy woman that empowered everyone around her to be their best selves.
We pass on her legacy of empowerment to each of you, for every horse deserves to be returned to it's true Zen state of balanced wellness.